Tattletail toy huge
Tattletail toy huge

tattletail toy huge

Nikki's eyes got wide and sparkly and she squealed, "Oh my gosh! I've always wanted a Tattletail!" Tattletail shifted in your arms and you glanced at him. I'm (y/n), not sure you caught that when I was talking to Nikki," you said and smiled at them. "Don't mind Max, he's an ass to everyone," Neil reassured you. He seemed to be studying you before he simply growled, "I'm Max. You rolled your eyes and turned to the shorter kid. The tall boy became dramatically offended and exclaimed, "I am no ordinary nerd! I am a man of SCIENCE!" Neil looked like he was going to say something else but Nikki cut him off, "He's a nerd." The other kid had to catch his breath for a moment before he stood up straighter and introduced himself, "Hey, I'm Neil." The other boy was way shorter, had tanned skin, poofy black hair, and green eyes that almost seemed to glow. One was a tall boy with curly brown hair and blue eyes. By now the other two kids had caught up to you two. She held a hand out and practically yelled in your face, "Hi! I'm Nikki!" You blinked at her enthusiasm before introducing yourself and shaking hands with her. A girl with teal-colored hair and pink eyes was in the lead, charging toward you at top speed before skidding to a stop in front of you with a huge smile on her face. And apparently you caught theirs, because they started walking towards you.

tattletail toy huge tattletail toy huge

While you were surveying the camp and the few kids in it a small group of 3 kids just standing around caught your eye. Before he left he told you to maybe find some friends to room with to conserve tents and you nodded. He offered to hang onto your stuff for the time being, which you happily agreed to. other camps within the camp and then left you to socialize. "Oi! You're supposed to love me!" The furby knock-off just giggled at you.ĭavid showed you around the camp and the. "Me Tattletail! Me looooove you!" Tattletail piped up at your side and you glanced down at the toy, poking him on the plastic cheek. "Nice to meet you David."ĭavid practically had stars in his eyes. "Yep," you replied and put Tattletail's brush away and stood up again. Busy," he sighed and rubbed his face a bit before continuing. "Hello and welcome to Camp Campbell! My name's David! I'm sorry I couldn't welcome you at the entrance I was. He stopped in front of you just as you were almost finished brushing Tattletail. Apparently the commotion drew attention to yourself as a taller adult man started running towards you. You sighed and crouched down, dropping your duffle bag and rumaging through it until you found Tattletail's brush. He started screaming to be brushed even though his fur was near perfect. You were content to be quiet and unnoticed but sadly, Tattletail was not. You could see kids all over the place, mostly doing shit that would probably really grind your gears later. The bus drove away and you walked into camp. You didn't really wanna do anything for these next 3 months. Mainly art camp, although you just chose that one because it seemed easy. You were one of the last kids to show up to the camp, almost a week late cuz your mom was a drunken idiot and forgot about her own child's existence for a week before realizing they agreed to take you to a summer camp. You stood up and exited the bus hastily (mostly to get away from the creepy busdriver) with Tattletail in one hand, duffle bag in the other, and stepped out into the world again. Childhood goals, people.Įventually as you stared out the scenery of the window the bus came to a stop. You and that Tattletail had been through some serious shit together, including (long story short) banishing a big evil genocidal Tattletail with a satanic ritual in the basement of their house. Well, alone except for a purple furby-like toy in your lap. You were sitting alone in a seat near the front of the bus. This was already one hellava bus ride, imagine what the actual camp was gonna be like. Story takes place after the events of Tattletail and doesn't take place in any canon episodes of Camp Camp. Last night I was reading some things and listening to Turn The Final Page by DAgames when the bright idea popped into my mind: what if I did a crossover between Camp Camp and the smaller fandom Tattletail? And boom this happened. But this time I'm inspired by my new awesome fandom: Camp Camp. I never finish any of my other stories except for my one shots.

Tattletail toy huge